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Reading for Health, Longevity and Wellbeing. Bedside Books of Health Professionals. Singapore, September 2024.

book recommendations health wellbeing longevity

September 2024

We thought to ask a handful of key professionals in Singapore's health space and friends further afield to share their reading selections with us. Some of the books currently being read are newly released, others not. In six months time perhaps they will be remembered, perhaps not. Other books in the list are those that have remained in the readers' headspace, influencing them over time, longevity on the bookshelf.

Scroll down and discover. Click on the image and you will be directed to a relevant online retailer page or our own review. What books have you enjoyed reading? Make your suggestion at the bottom of page and perhaps we can enjoy and share them in the future.

I thank everyone who has shared their selections with us.

Stay Healthy,



Lisa Sofiar, health and wellbeing coach at Chi Longevity, is currently enjoying...

Spark john ratey
Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

John J Ratey with Eric Hagerman

Lisa shares the following:"Ratey presents solid research evidence of exercise to counter common mental and psychological issues like anxiety, stress, depression, attention deficit, and even addiction. He describes the physiological mechanisms that take place when we engage in physical exercise that contribute toward better mental wellbeing."

I love the BDNF factor - brain-derived neurotrophic factor that is produced during vigorous exercises! BDNF contributes to synaptic plasticity, increasing learning capacity and memory.

Instead of hormonal replacement therapy, Ratey makes a case for “Exercise Replacement Therapy” for women in menopausal transition, helping to preserve cognition. And I will add my personal piece here - exercise helps counter common unpleasant menopausal symptoms."

adhd effect melissa orlov
ADHD Effect on Marriage:
Understand and Rebuild Your Relationship in Six Steps

Melissa Orlov 

Luke's recommendation is for his own, recently published book:

breath code luke tan
The Breath Code: Unlock Your Breathing

Luke Tan, foreword by Patrick McKeown

Luke states "I share the exact steps I used to overcome three decades of chronic asthma by retraining my breath. But this isn’t just for those with respiratory issues. It’s for anyone looking to optimize their health, and boost physical and mental performance through breathwork. I cover a range of techniques I use with my clients, including methods to help fighters recover faster, executives manage stress, and parents improve their sleep."


Keith Williams, COO at Funraisin and ardent runner, has this open on his bedside table...

Training Essentials for Ultrarunning Koop
Training Essentials for Ultrarunning

Jason Koop with Jim Rutberg, Corrine Malcolm

@Keith, you have been a constant source of running inspiration! I'll offer you a recommendation in return: Joe Friel, Fast After 50.

And Keith's book recommendation is...

Atomic Habits James Clear
Atomic Habits

James Clear

Keith has this to say about the book"It's more around creating habits and the compounding effect of them no matter how small, which I see in a sense of being healthy at work, home and life." Certainly a sentiment that we understand, with our own focus on lifestyle as medicine.


At The Whole Health Practice we have recently enjoyed this book, a useful guide to nutrition and, especially, myth-busting common fallacies that are often shared online...

idz saturated facts
Saturated Facts:
A Myth-Busting Guide to Diet and Nutrition in a World of Misinformation
Dr Idrees Mughal
health book recommendations Singapore

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Take the first step. Book a Whole Health Consult to assess, identify and prioritise key factors (known and unknown) that affect your health. And receive personalised recommendations on how to address them.

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Related Resources

What is health literacy? CDC website

Magnus JR, Peresetsky AA. A Statistical Explanation of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Front Psychol. 2022 Mar 25;13:840180. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.840180. PMID: 35401341; PMCID: PMC8992690.

Huang LY, Lin YP, Glass GF Jr, Chan EY. Health literacy and patient activation among adults with chronic diseases in Singapore: A cross-sectional study. Nurs Open. 2021 Sep;8(5):2857-2865. doi: 10.1002/nop2.873. Epub 2021 May 4. PMID: 33942559; PMCID: PMC8363362.

Liu C, Wang D, Liu C, Jiang J, Wang X, Chen H, Ju X, Zhang X. What is the meaning of health literacy? A systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Fam Med Community Health. 2020 May;8(2):e000351. doi: 10.1136/fmch-2020-000351. PMID: 32414834; PMCID: PMC7239702.



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