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Health Coaching and Hypertension, The Evidence from Randomized Controlled Trials

Writer: Alastair HuntAlastair Hunt

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

hypertension health coaching evidence

With hypertension, the silent killer, on the rise we might be of value to collate and share the evidence from randomised controlled trials with follow health coaches, and to support coaching their clients.

Please comment at bottom of page if you have studies to add or find any discrepancies. As ever, please talk to your doctor or medical practitioner most familiar with your medical history before implementing any changes in diet, exercise or lifestyle, especially if you are under treatment.

Stay Healthy,


Alastair Hunt is the founder of The Whole Health Practice Pte Ltd. a leading lifestyle and whole person health practice, based in Singapore and working with clients globally.




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Abughosh S, Wang X, Serna O, Esse T, Mann A, Masilamani S, Holstad MM, Essien EJ, Fleming M. A Motivational Interviewing Intervention by Pharmacy Students to Improve Medication Adherence. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2017 May;23(5):549-560. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2017.23.5.549. PMID: 28448784; PMCID: PMC10398180.

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Brown DL, Conley KM, Sánchez BN, Resnicow K, Cowdery JE, Sais E, Murphy J, Skolarus LE, Lisabeth LD, Morgenstern LB. A Multicomponent Behavioral Intervention to Reduce Stroke Risk Factor Behaviors: The Stroke Health and Risk Education Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Stroke. 2015 Oct;46(10):2861-7. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.010678. Epub 2015 Sep 15. PMID: 26374480; PMCID: PMC4589523.

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health coaching hypertension studies

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