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Bryan Johnson's "Power Laws" for Health and Longevity

Updated: Sep 19

If you follow longevity guru Bryan Johnson you will have likely visited his website and seen the Blueprint Protocol, his personalised longevity regimen. While the term is not specifically used in the website, in interviews he references 'Power Laws'. These are foundational lifestyle rules that anyone, indeed everyone, should follow to maximise longevity.

As ever, please talk to your doctor, or medical practitioner most familiar with your medical history before implementing any changes in diet, exercise or lifestyle; especially if you are under treatment.

What Are They?

  1. Not smoking.

  2. Exercising 6 hours a week, a mix of strength, flexibility and cardio.

  3. Eating a Blueprint or Mediterranean diet. This is a plant forward eating practice, not necessarily 100% plant based although Johnson practises this personally. If you don't fancy the Mediterranean diet, enjoy wholesome local foods that are culturally appropriate.

  4. Maintaining a BMI between 18.5 and 22.5. This is on the lighter side of the healthy BMI values. Note that these numbers are based on Caucasian cut-off points. For Asians this would be lower.

  5. Limiting alcohol consumption. There is no safe level of alcohol consumption, however, in the longevity promoting Blue Zones a small quantity of alcohol is enjoyed by many. Lubricating social life.

And, always mentioned in the same conversation, even if not one of the actual Power Laws:


Many of Johnson's followers, indeed, the biohacking community in general, are understandably keen to experiment with supplementation. Part of the excitement and enjoyment of biohacking and 'longevity' is staying up to date with the latest science and innovation in health! But often participation in the latest trends comes before following -obeying - implementing - the all important Power Laws that Johnson advocates.

While (some )supplements can have a positive and provable effect - the comfort of popping a pill at, say, the expense of getting sufficient exercise will not support health in the last 1 or 2 decades of life. Popping a pill, but not eating enough fibre, will not support a healthy gut microbiome or reduce your risk of dying from common chronic illnesses. Johnson practices what he preaches, applying his Power Laws AND the additional longevity practices for which he is famous.

Don't like or have time for exercise? Don't have the opportunity to enjoy whole foods? This is likely not your fault.

We know that modern lifestyles and living are often counter productive to health. We live in environments seemingly designed to fatten us (known as obesogenic) and make us susceptible to chronic illness. Unlike Johnson, we don't have the same amount of time and resources to dedicate to our own longevity. Thus many people - with good intent - only practise what they find the easiest, the supplement at the expense of the Power Laws, and that is a very real danger.


So what can we do? Pick 1 or 2 of Johnson's Power Laws and put them into practice. Dependent on your own circumstances, maybe you are following some already? If yes, fantastic, you're already winning!

The good news is that even making small changes in our exercise and eating practices has powerful and positive effects, as does reducing or stopping some of our favourite vices. With some strategising and planning, taking charge of health and longevity is within our reach. If you need some support to focus your effort, to apply the Powers Laws to your life, we can help. Use #longevity in our Contact Form below.

Stay Healthy,


Power Laws Johnson Longevity

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